10/24/13 Members of the Marshall County Church Orchestra consider themselves more than just a group of musicians; they consider each other friends!  They get together once a week to rehears they also take time to share joys and concerns.  They have prayer together, they cry together and they celebrate together.   This past Thursday evening at rehearsal they joined together to celebrate a very special birthday.

Norma Hite of Plymouth plays violin in the MCCO and she turned 92 years old on Monday, Oct. 21st.  Norma is a valued and respected member of the orchestra.  Her friend and fellow violinist Valerie Schafer surprised Norma with a birthday cake after rehearsal.  The entire orchestra sang “Happy Birthday” to Norma as shared her cake with them.


Photo:  Valerie Schafer surprised Norma Hitewith a birthday cake during MCCO rehearsal Thursday evening.