The weather in getting colder and the leaves are starting to fall. For the next several weeks, weather permitting, the City of Plymouth Street Department will be sweeping up leaves that are ranked to the front curb.

The Street Department will make every effort to follow the schedule enclosed with your recent water bill. The scheduled dates could be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances.  The city will try to keep the media informed of issues.    

Leaves are to be raked to the curb only! Do not rake them into the street.  Also, the leaf machine does not go down the alleys or into manufactured housing parks. 

The city does not run a leaf pick-up route in the Spring so get your leaves out early. If you miss the final leaf pick-up in your area, you will have to bag the leaves and place them at the curb for pick-up. If you have any questions, call the Street Department at (574) 936-2017.

Area AOct. 17 Area BOct. 18 Area COct. 19
 Oct. 24  Oct. 25  Oct. 26
 Oct. 31  Nov. 2  Nov. 4
 Nov.  1  Nov. 3  Nov. 7
 Nov. 15     Nov.16
Area DOct. 20 Area EOct. 21   
 Oct. 27  Oct. 28   
 Nov. 8  Nov.10   
  Nov. 9      Nov.14 
  Nov. 18      Nov.21 

Any loose yard waste not in a container will not be picked-up. The City Street Dept. does not pick up whole trees or clean up after contractors.