Ward Byers, Director of Community Corrections appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners on Tuesday with a request to donate a county asset. 

Byers told the commissioners in 2019 a U.S. cargo trailer 20 some feet long was purchased with the intent of building it out as a “Hidden in Plain Site” bedroom to be used as an educational tool at fairs and festivals to show parents and guardians where drugs can be hidden in bedrooms.  Byers said that hasn’t happened for several reasons.  He said the trailer has just been sitting on the Community Corrections asset list for several years and he would like the county deeming it as surplus property so it can be donated it to 501C3 David’s Courage.

The folks at David’s Courage are willing to build out the trailer for its intended purpose and use the trailer for what it intended purchase was for.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked how the trailer was purchased and Byers said three-ways with the Community Corrections, Drug Free Marshall County, and the Sheriff. 

Commissioner Stan Klotz asked if the other two entities were agreeable to the donation and Byers said they were. 

Commissioner Overmyer suggested a simple Memorandum of Understanding with David’s Courage to let them know they are receiving it in as-is-condition and the county would not be liable for anything that happened with the trailer after.  The MOU would make the donation official. 

The motion was made to support the request to donate the trailer to David’s Courage subject to signing of the MOU with the proper representative from David’s Courage.   The motion passed 3 – 0.