NewsDuring the March 16th meeting of the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission, City Engineer Rick Gaul gave updates on the Hoham Drive Improvement Project and the Pioneer Drive Project in TIF District #1.

There are seven properties that need to have land acquired for the right-of-way of the project on Hoham Drive.  Gaul said there is a time-crunch once the offer is made, a response is received by the city and a decision or counteroffer is made.  His suggestion was to notify Commission members Mike Miley and Billy Ellinger along with City Attorney Sean Surrisi and Clerk Treasurer Jeanine Xaver for confirmation to move forward.   Gaul will then report to the Redevelopment Commission at their regular monthly meeting.

Commission member Nancy Felde asked if there was a budget for the acquisition and Gaul said yes and Surrisi said, “It will all be within the parameters of what is permissible under the Federal Property Acquisition Rules.”

A motion to approve the City Engineer’s recommendation was made by Craig Hopple and seconded by Nancy Felde.  The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission unanimously passed the motion.

The City Engineer is waiting on the closeout change order for the quantities on the Pioneer Drive project.  Gaul said he believes the project will come in under budget.  It’s anticipated that close-out will be in 2 to 3 months.