hydrant-flushingThe Town of Culver will conduct hydrant flushing the week of March 18. During this process your water may have a “rusty” color; however, it is still safe to drink.  The hydrant flushing is done twice a year and is necessary to remove rust from the town’s water distribution system.

Culver Clerk Treasurer Karen Heim said, “We also wanted to let residents know that the issue causing the discolored water has been identified. The backwashing procedure completed each Friday at the water plant was causing water to rush through the water system from the water tower to the plant at a very high rate (similar to opening a fire hydrant and letting the water run for an hour which is similar to what takes place when we flush the hydrants). A new procedure will be put into place to decrease the amount of water rushing through the system each Friday and it should lessen the discoloration issue.”

If you have any questions, please direct them to Bob Porter (bporter@townofculver.org), Jonathan Leist (jleist@townofculver.org) or Clerk/Treasurer Karen Heim at (kheim@townofculver.org).