TrinityUnitedMethodistChurchBeginning at 5:00 p.m. next Tuesday (October 31), the Trinity United Methodist Church will continue its Treats Not Tricks tradition of sharing free hotdogs, apples and treats with the people of Plymouth.  Lemonade, hot chocolate, and hot coffee will also be available.  The church is located at 452 S. Michigan Street in Plymouth, and church members will be serving along the sidewalk in front of the church.

Trinity Church logoServing will continue until 7 o’clock or until they run out of hotdogs.  Last year more than 800 hotdogs were grilled and served in less than two hours.

Long-time Trinity member Barb Holcomb says the church offers this as “a free gift to the people of Plymouth and as a reminder that not all of Halloween has to be dark and scary.  This is just our little bit of light.”