City HallThe City of Plymouth will conduct their regular meetings tonight beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety followed by the Common Council meeting at 6:30.

The Board of Works is expected to ratify the award for a quote to replace the roof at the Wasterwater Department and open quotes for floor installation in the Bio-fileter area at the Wastewater Department and open quotes to demolish two homes at 805 and 809 West Harrison Street. Also on the agenda Utility Superintendent will discuss a watershed study for Plymouth and request permission to advertise for bids for the Goshen Road water main extension project and the Boys and Girls Club sewer relocation project.

The City Engineer has several issues to present including LPA projects updates, INDOT Community Crossings and micro-surface and slurry seal projects.

The Common Council agenda is short with the only main issue being approval of tax abatement compliance forms.


Both meetings are open to the public although comments and questions are limited to agenda items only.