School_board_meetingThe Plymouth School Board will convene on July 7 for both an executive session and a regularly scheduled board meeting.

The executive session will begin at 6:00 P. M. . No details of the reason for the executive session are available except for the following agenda item: “To discuss strategy with respect to the initiation or litigation which is either pending or has been specifically threatened in writing.”

The regular meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Agenda items include, but are not limited to, consideration of an appointment to the Library Board, Blueberry Festival agreement, bids for used computers , selection of newspaper for legal advertising, and the approval of the annual financial report for publication.

The agreement being considered with the Blubbery Festival for September 4-7 would include a percentage split for gross collection of fees for use of the Plymouth High School parking lots and other areas, Riverside Intermediate parking lot and the use of Menominee Elementary parking lot and grounds for parking of cars and lineup for the Blueberry Cruise. In addition the area around Jefferson Elementary School, including the parking lot and playground area (or Jefferson Stage), the north grass area that borders the park and the circle drive be used for Festival activities. The Jefferson School would also be used as a First Aid Station, mother/child feeding area, and cafeteria/gym for an event to be announced.

The percentages being considered include 50 percent for PHS; 30 percent for the Marshall County Blueberry Festival; and 20 percent for the Moose Lodge.

The Board will also consider a request from superintendent Daniel Tyree to apply for grants. In his request, Tyree indicated that typical grants that they apply for each year include Title I, Title II, Title III, Special Education, Non-English Speaking, Migrant, and High Ability. If permission granted, it would also cover grants that could arise doing the year.

The regular meeting is open to the public.

Carol Anders Correspondent