02/07/14 During their February 4 regular meeting, the Plymouth School Board voted in approval for the hire of four employees to fill two positions that were formerly filled with paid staff and two newly created positions.

Superintendent Daniel Tyree explained the rationale for the positions and at least one avenue they will be using to find qualified candidates.

The Board vote was 4-0. Board President Todd Samuelson was absent from the meeting.

Two newly proposed positions include an Assistant Communications Director position and a Marketing Specialist.

The addition to the payroll for the four positions would be $77,000, according to Tyree. Referring to the state reimbursement for each student, he said, “Eight students would pay for that.”

Administrators would begin by posting the positions in-house to the current school staff as well as advertising to the general public.

After the meeting, Tyree said, “Legislatures have made it important to have someone on staff who understands marketing and how to market for schools.” The state now allows students to enroll in schools outside of their home district, receive vouchers towards tuition payments at private schools, or enter charter schools. Per student payments are made by the state to the actual school where a child attends.

Referring, in part, to the need to inform parents/guardians of what the Plymouth Schools have to offer, Tyree said, “Bringing someone in who teaches marketing part of the day and then spends the rest of the day involved in marketing is a great way to approach this need.” “We can have our own marketer and our students can get some great experience.” Tyree said.

The position would pay $40,000 per year plus benefits. They plan to hire a marketer before summer of this year.

An assistant to the communications director would be able to serve in a number of capacities, including the four project-based (PBL) schools in the corporation. According to Tyree, Kelsey Flynn, who is based in the Weidner School of Inquiry located at Plymouth High School, spends a great deal of time making telephone calls and visits to community partners and completes a great deal of clerical requirements. An assistant to Flynn could be asked to complete such things as newsletters and other publications, in addition to clerical duties.

The position would pay at the rate of $20,000 plus benefits per year and require 210 days of service.

Tyree said, “The other positions are important in their own right.”

Tyree explained that a paid supervisor position for the weight room at Plymouth High School had been eliminated several years ago when the corporation had to make financial cuts to meet budget. Tyree said Coach John Baron stepped up to monitor the facility along with community volunteers. He went on to explain that Baron’s duties between coaching and teaching consume a great deal of time. Tyree said “In that end of the building, we really need someone in charge of the weight room.” Tyree added, “That room, if not used properly, can be very dangerous. I want to have someone in the room who knows how it is to be used and make sure that it is used in the right way.”
The position will pay at the rate of $18.31 per hour. Tyree indicated that they would like to fill the position immediately.

Carol Anders Correspondent