11/04/11 Wednesday mornings at Miller’s Senior Living Community has become known as Game Day. 

Residents gather in the Recreation Center and choose their partners for Euchre or they decide to play Chicken Scratch – a popular form of dominoes.  A resident who is new to Plymouth has also taught many to play a card game called Manipulate.  All these games are a great way to build friendships and to keep minds active and stimulated.  However, playing games is not limited to Wednesday mornings.  Many of the residents initiate game/card playing on their own and designate a time to meet for games throughout the day.  Anyone interested in joining residents on Wednesday morning for Game Day may feel free to call 574-936-9801 and ask for more details.



Photo: Playing Chicken Scratch Dominoes is left to right:  Katie Kaminski, Audrey Franklin and Dale Bules.


Picture: Always ready for a game of Euchre are (clockwise) Jim Winenger, Lou Carr, Mae Mikesell and Mae Kile.