02/24/11 Members of the Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals considered two agenda items during their February meeting.

Theodore and Tamara Gangloff of 6626 Olive Road in Plymouth sought a variance of development standard to reduce the lot size from 5 acres to 1 acre in a rural residential zoning district.  The Gangloffs explained that their home currently is on the five acres although they only maintaining the one acre and the back four acres are woods.  They also own the ground adjacent and would like to separate their home onto one lot and add the remaining four acres to the adjacent property.  They are planning for the future and would sell their current home and build a retirement home on an adjoining piece of ground that they own.

Members of the Plymouth BZA approved the variance.

The second agenda item was a variance of development standard for the Community Resource Center.  The facility is going to be built at the corner of Adams and 1st Street making the property have two front yard setbacks.  The variance request is to reduce the setbacks from 30 feet to 2.7 feet and 5.6 feet.

Brent Martin, architect for the building project explained the plan which includes improvements and widening of Adams Street on the north side and major improvement to 1st Street from the alley south to Adams Street.  At the east and west edge of the building front there is a setback but canopies will extend out into the city’s setback standard.

The Broadbelt family owns the home on Jefferson Street next to the cabinet shop.  They were mainly interested in seeing if there was interest on their property.  Steve Deford and Mike Boener, owners of the cabinet shop had concerns on their alley access.  They have semi deliveries in the alley and with the improvements to 1st Street with curbing they were concerned the semi would have trouble negotiating the area.

The Plymouth BZA approved the variance request.