Miller's_Puppy Treats Lyn and Ken Feb 2020February is the time of year that Miller’s residents enjoy helping the Marshall County Humane Society.  They’ve been making and bagging puppy treats which they will sell on February 12th at the Marshall County Humane Society Baked Potato & Salad bar. 

Miller's_Puppy Treats Bagging Quinn Feb 2020The treats are easy to make and have proved to be a very successful way in which Miller’s can help.  They will also be attending the Potato and Salad bar as their Lunch on the Road this month!

Miller's_PUPPY TREATS Yolanda Feb 2020Helping make and bag treats were:  Ken and Yolanda Roush, Dorothy Gensinger, Lou Ann Clemens, Quinn Chaney, Joan Owens,  Carol Carlberg, and Volunteer Lyn Ward.