Aquatic Center_pool with water

The public is invited to attend three celebrations and ribbon cutting ceremonies this Saturday in Plymouth.

There will be an open house and tours of the new Marshall County Philanthropy Center and Growing Kids Learning Center beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, October 5. Then at 11:30 a.m. the Marshall County Foundation and United Way of Marshall County will hold a ribbon cutting for the Marshall County Philanthropy Center at 2680 Miller Drive in Plymouth.

This will be followed by a ribbon cutting at 11:45 a.m. for the Growing Kids Learning Center.

At noon individuals and organizations connected with the Dr. Susan Bardwell Aquatic Center, 2740 Miller Drive, will officially dedicate the pool and center with a ribbon cutting and pool christening.

The public is encouraged to attend all three events.  Tours of both facilities will be available until 2 p.m.