County news # 2Marshall County has received notice from the Department of Local Government Finance on their request to reestablish the Cumulative Bridge Fund.

During Monday’s Commissioner meeting, County Auditor Julie Fox presented the decision that was made on June 14th.

The DLGF conducted a public hearing after at least 10 tax payers filed an objection to the reestablishment of the Cum Bridge Fund.

After weighing the testimony and evidence, the department was not persuaded by the objectors and concluded that there was no legal basis for denying the County’s proposed Fund reestablishment.

The DLGF approved the levying of tax in the amount of $0.0524 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for 2018 and thereafter until the rate is reduced or rescinded.

The county must advertise and adopt the rate and the appropriate levy amount as part of its 2019 budget.  The increase will generate $660,00 of revenue for the County’s Bridge Fund.