
Earlier this month the Marshall County Commissioner approved the 2017 Holiday Schedule.

County employees, department heads and elected officials will have 11 paid holidays in 2017.

New Year’s Day will be celebrated on Monday, January 2nd and Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be Monday, January 16th.

Lincoln’s birthday is February 12 but the county has moved that holiday to Friday November 24th to allow employees a 4 day weekend for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Washington’s birthday on February 20th will be moved to Monday, December 26th making the Christmas Holiday a 3 day weekend.

County employees will have Good Friday off on April 14th and Memorial Day off on May 29th. July 4th falls on Tuesday next year and the county will only take the 4th off for the holiday.

Labor Day will be Monday, September 4th and Veteran’s Day Friday, November 10th. Thanksgiving day, November 23rd and Christmas Day, Monday December 25th are the last two holidays for 2017.