Triton_reading buddiesTriton is celebrating reading!   This year on the IREAD3 reading exam, Triton Elementary School had a 98.5 % passing rate.   Only one student didn’t pass. Reading is a basic skill and it’s a priority at Triton!

Pictured are “reading buddies” 4th grader: Olivia Shively Kind: Chloe McKinney


Triton_MachinesThird graders in Mrs. Strycker’s class at Triton Elementary School have been learning about simple machines and how they help us make work easier. Students created small machines out of paper, paper clips, straws, craft sticks, brads, rubber bands, and note cards to help learn how to recognize and use a wedge, lever, inclined plane, pulley, screw, and wheel and axle.   These creations were added to pockets labeled in students’ science notebooks.

Students also watched examples in nature and real life with short video clips before creating a foldable book full of pictures and examples of each machine.  Teams of students were able to create actual replicas of these simple machines with kits and test how each device could make work easier by pulling small weights on them.  Mrs. Strycker was very thankful to get Mrs. Baer, Mrs. McAndrews, and Mrs. Schaetzle as wonderful parent helpers to work with teams as they built each model!  Students will use what they have learned to create a solution using simple machines to solve a real world problem involving a wolf that needs captured later in the week!

Pictured: Arianah Walters & Alli Barber