MCEDC_buildingAs fitting with the end of the year, Jerry Chavez, Executive Director of the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation recapped the activities of the city and towns in the county.

Chavez said, “The communities in Marshall County have collectively embarked in a strategic approach to improving the economy for the region as well as their own local economy. As each community actively works on the steps, they believe are a priority, each community is contributing to make our region prosper.”  As an example to this contribution, the most recent acknowledgment from state officials is that the region experienced the most capital investment and jobs created….statewide.

The MCEDC Director said, “North central Indiana’s economic development is robust.”    Looking at the numbers for Marshall County you see unemployment is at about 4.8%, whereas around 7 months ago it was at 5.4%.  Capital investment is over $50 MM, with an anticipated 585 new jobs to be created.

Looking at each community you will see that in Bremen Universal Bearings has invested $39 million and will create 80 new jobs while Southwire invested $2.1 million and created 105 news jobs.

In Culver Elkay Industries has invested $1.5 million and is adding 100 new jobs.

In Plymouth several industries are expanding including AMI with a $4.4 million dollar investment and creating an addition 225 jobs.  AK Industries will invest $320K and add 5 jobs while CTA, Culver Tool has invested $1.2 million and will create 60 new jobs.  The final industry in Plymouth to grow is Pregis with a $2.3 million investment that will create an additional 10 jobs.
Additionally, this past year saw the continuance of economic development roundtable gatherings called “County Development for the Future”. These quarterly meetings have brought leadership in Marshall County together for the benefit of each community supporting one another, sharing experiences related to various projects, and providing updates on community priorities. Chavez said, “Funding for “Project Lead the Way” has its beginning from these meetings.”


Community Initiatives that are noteworthy include:


Argos Shovel Ready Certification

Tax Abatement Guidelines Adopted


BremenComprehensive Plan Adopted

Industrial Property Secured


BourbonEPA Brownfield Grant Partner

Industrial Property Secured


PlymouthShell Building Construction Complete

Metronet Partnership

EPA Brownfield Grant Partner

High Speed Rail Project Partner


Marshall County

Metronet Partnership

On-Line Permitting Implemented

U.S. 31 Planning