Argos Town Council Finalizes Merit Pay System

May 3, 2011

05/04/11  The Argos Town Council announced the finalization of the new merit pay system for town employees.  During the last Council meeting Dave Walker, Council President, explained the new system.  An employee will be given an appraisal on a 50 point system.  If the employee is appraised at 45-50 points they would receive 100% of the pay raise allotted.  If they have between 36-44 points they would receive 50% of the allotment.  If they have under 35 points they would not receive a pay raise.  The amount offered for a raise is determined by the Council.  This system is not for the Police, Fire or EMS Departments.  Raises were budgeted for this year but were not given.  The Council was waiting to see if the economy would improve.
The Council passed a resolution for a slight increase on the Power Tracker Rate.  The Power Tracker is the increase charges Argos is charged from their electric supplier IMPA over the set electric rate.  This is passed on to the electric customers.  Walker did say that when Argos started to purchase electricity from IMPA in August 2009 the rate of $0.0349.  Over time there have been increases and decreases.  This resolution set the rate at $0.0291.
Utilities Supervisor, John Archambeault, told the Council of the work on Clinton Street.  Clinton has an ongoing problem of standing water.  Archambeault has been waiting for the rains to stop so the street department can put a dry well in the area.  This should reduce the standing water problem.