Plymouoth Fire Chief Steve Holm discussed a letter he recently received from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) with the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety this week. 

The letter was a “burn permit” for Corteva, formerly Pioneer Seed at the intersection of U.S. 30 and Pioneer Drive.  Corteva has a wetland area along U.S. 30 and to the east of their buildings all the way to the railroad crossing.

Fire Chief Holm said every few years they conduct a controlled open burn of the area and it creates quite a scene with all the smoke. 

The IDEM permit is good for one year and Corteva said they hope to complete the burn in the next couple of weeks if the weather is favorable.  If they can’t get it accomplished then, they will wait until early next spring. 

Corteva will contact the Plymouth Fire Department 24 hours prior, and the fire department will contact the Marshall County Central Dispatch Center to warn them of the open burn because passersby will be calling 911 with concern of the fire.