During the July 12th meeting of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety, City Building Inspector Keith Hammonds told the board during their June 14th meeting they affirmed three orders for demolition. 

He reported that the property on 100 North Liberty Street.  The demolition of the free-standing garage was completed by the owner. 

100 North Liberty Street

The back porch at 405 Clark Street was demolished by the owner.

The property at 349 Williams Street has been sold to another individual and they have been made aware of the demolition order for the garage. 

Hammonds told the board, a few months ago they also confirmed a demolition order for 801 Sycamore Street.  The property has since been sold to another individual and he was made aware of the order in place.  Hammonds said he was at the property on July 12th and the new owner was already taking action to clean up the property. 

801 Sycamore Street
405 Clark Street
349 Williams Street