LillyAward Hugh SmithOne Marshall County student has been named the recipient of a four-year, full-tuition scholarship as the Marshall County Community Foundation 2020 Lilly Endowment Community Scholar.   Hugh Smith will receive not only full tuition to the Indiana college of his choice but also a $900.00 yearly stipend for required books and equipment.

Hugh Smith is the son of Dr. Timothy and Sarah Smith, Plymouth.  He attends Plymouth High School.  Hugh is planning to attend the University of Notre Dame and will major in either a STEM field or Pre-medicine.

For 2020, the Lilly Scholarship Selection Committee, consisting of Beth Styers, Chair, Dr. Don Balka, Scott Joyner, Karen Schlosser,  John Small Jr., Jared Weidner and Barbara Winters reviewed 15 applications and interviewed three applicants.  The committee then recommended three finalists, approved by the Board of Directors of the Marshall County Community Foundation, to Independent Colleges of Indiana for the final selection of the recipient.

ICI (Independent Colleges of Indiana) administers the scholarship program on behalf of the Lilly Endowment.  ICI is a nonprofit corporation that represents 30 regionally accredited degree granting, nonprofit, private colleges and universities in the state.

The scholarship program is the result of a statewide Lilly Endowment Initiative to 1) help raise the level of educational attainment in Indiana; 2) increase awareness of the beneficial roles Indiana community foundations can play in their communities; and 3) encourage and support the efforts of current and past Lilly Endowment Community Scholars to engage with each other and with Indiana business, governmental, educational, nonprofit and civic leaders to improve the quality of life in Indiana generally and in local communities throughout the state.

Since the inception there have been 4,769 full-tuition scholars awarded and over $405 million in scholarship tuition has been provided through the LECSP since 1998.

The mission of the Marshall County Community Foundation is to serve all of Marshall County, its people and its future through the growth and administration of endowment funding and philanthropy.  For more information contact Linda Yoder, Executive Director, Marshall County Community Foundation at 574-935-5159 or visit our website at

Pictured: Dr. Tim Smith, Sarah Smith, Linda Yoder, Hugh Smith, Beth Styers, Ellen Smith and Leah Smith. Photo courtesy of the Marshall County Community Foundation.


About the Marshall County Community Foundation
The Marshall County Community Foundation is a public charity with local roots that helps great ideas take flight through endowment philanthropy.  Since 1991, donors to the Marshall County Community Foundation have built the community’s endowment currently valued at more than $36.6 million and have returned $22.1 million to Marshall County communities in grants and scholarships, $4.1 million from Community Funds.