City HallThe Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will open bids for the 2020 fuel supplies and street materials during their meeting Monday evening at 6 p.m.  They will also award the bid for the second round of the 2019 Community Crossings street and sidewalk projects.

Members of the Board of Public Works will hear reports from city department heads and consider a request of St. Michael parish for a walk on December 12th.

The Plymouth City Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 and will include a public hearing on an additional appropriation requests and consider an ordinance amending the fuel pricing policy for the aviation department on 2nd and 3rd reading.

Council members will consider three resolutions; the first to declare the property at 2400 Walter Glaub Drive to be within an Economic Revitalization Area; the second resolution if regarding paramedic assist services while the third is the additional appropriation resolution.

The public is welcome to ask questions and make comments on agenda items only.  If you are attending the city meetings please enter through the Garro Street door and take the elevator or stairs to the second floor Council Chambers.