Veterans ScamMarshall County Veterans Service Officer,Pam Schweizer-Betz put out a warning of possible scams concerning veterans after receiving information of requests being made to help veterans the past few weekends.

Schweizer-Betz said, “IF and WHEN anyone wants to donate or is asked to donate to veterans charities or to someone in need, make sure that it is a legitimate company or situation.”  She suggested getting a DD214 and make sure its proper.  She also said to get the drivers license from the person asking for assistance.

The Veterans Service Officer said there have been so many scammers coming out of the woodwork here lately that “it’s shameful.”  She said, “Anyone can fall on hard times at some point in their lives and we all want to pitch in and help.  Just make sure that its legit and that the items offered are going exactly to where they need to be and can be used. There are less desirables out there that would quickly take advantage of a situation.”

Anyone needing information or guidance from the Veterans Service Office can call and leave a message at 574-935-8546.