County News # 1It was a quick meeting for the Marshall County Board of Zoning Appeals Tuesday evening.

There were three cases on the agenda for consideration but the board only took action on one of the requests.

Tamra Fritz was granted a variance of development standard to reduce the front yard setback at 4281 Lake Shore Drive at Lake of the Woods in Bremen.  Fritz was granted approval to reduce the front yard setback from the required 30 feet to 19 feet to add a porch on the home.  She was also approved for a side yard setback from 10 feet to just over 8 feet for an addition to the existing garage.

The variance request of Kitty Mossman to reduce the rear yard setback at 5018 West Shore Drive in Bremen to build a home was withdrawn.

The final case was a request for a special use to allow a single wide trailer on a parcel in LaPaz by Dezerea Crump.  The County BZA tabled this request because the participants did not attend the meeting.