Plymouth Community SchoolsPlymouth Schools will now have another way to meet the needs of students who need speech therapy. The school board approved entering into a contract with a California firm, PresenceLearning, to provide speech therapy via the internet.

According to Assistant Superintendent, Jill VanDriessche, the schools were unable to fill an opening for a speech pathologist. Although the schools have a certified speech pathologist and a certified assistant therapist on staff, there remains a need for additional staff to serve students who qualify for additional help.

PresenceLearning started in 2009 with credentialed Speech-Language pathologists to provide live, online therapy.  Among other services, the firm can administer assessments, write evaluations, prepare IEP’s and goals, serve as case managers and track and report progress.

After the school board meeting Tuesday night Superintendent Andy Hartley said students will have a PCSC staff person with them during the online sessions. He indicated that VanDriessche has had conversations and obtained references from other schools within Indiana who are using PresenceLearning.

School Board Attorney Jeff Houin told the board that the contract could be broken with a 45 day notice. VanDriessche said they will continue to seek a permanent onsite therapist.

Carol Anders Correspondent