Reestheatre_1Monday evening the Plymouth Common Council conducted a public hearing on an (OCRA) Office of Community and Rural Affairs grant in the amount of $500,000 from the federal government that would assist the REES Theatre group in completing the interior renovation work.

Shannon McLeod, the hired grant writer from Priority Project Resources discussed the entire project with the completion of phases I and II and the current work being done on phase III which includes replacing the back wall of the theatre, a new roof, and stabilization of the foundation.

The funds from the grant would help with the changing the main space into a four-tiered auditorium that can accommodate both theatre and banquet seating.  New ADA compliant restrooms will be created on the first floor while a balcony will be added on the second floor with additional restrooms and a small meeting room.  The third flood will have an office space for a future director with a restroom and a meeting space.

McLeod said the entire cost of this phase of the project is about $1.9 million.  The OCRA grant would apply $500,000 toward that amount with the city’s committed TIF fund of $575,000 and $300,000 from the Regional Cities Initiative.  The remaining amount of $555,000 will be provided through pledges.

McLeod said the grant application will be submitted this Friday, June 28th and the announcement of the grant awards will happen in the middle of August.

Following the public hearing the Plymouth Common Council approved several documents for the grant application and authorized the Mayor, Clerk Treasurer and Attorney to sign the necessary paperwork.