Election Results2The votes have been tabulated and the results are in from the Municipal Primary Election in Marshall County.

There were 2,098 votes cast on election wtih 144 paper absentee ballots and 725 machine absentee votes for a total of 2,967 votes equaling a 17.97% voter turnout.  For this election there were a total of 16,511 registered voters who could have cast a ballot.

One of the most interesting votes was the Plymouth Community School Corporation referendum.  The final tally was 875 yes votes and 1559 no votes.

Taking a look at the City of Plymouth elections…Mayor Mark Senter crushed his challenger with 528 votes to Ben Fisher’s 247.  In the fall Mayor Senter will face Democrat Josh Walker who received 254 votes.

May Primary 2019The Plymouth City Council has three At-Large seats open and the Republican had four candidates.  Incumbent Bill Walters received the highest number of votes with 537.  Greg Compton was next with 498 votes followed by Nick Fisher with 397 votes.  Burke Richeson received the least votes with 375.  Walters, Compton and Fisher will be the Republicans on the November General Election and at this point the Democrats only have Jeff Houin.  He received 236 votes in the primary.

The Town of Bremen also had a race on the Republican ticket for the 4 At-Large seats on the council.  The four incumbents; Bill Daily has 103 votes, James Leeper had 100 votes, Rick Garverson had 95 votes and Michael Leman had 90 votes.  The two challengers, Barb Sauter received 88 votes and Michael Venable had 55 votes.

In Bourbon, there were two At-Large seats on the council.  The incumbent Larry Wattenbarger only received 76 votes while the challengers, Philip John Hanley received 140 votes and Ward Byers 139 votes.  At this time the Democrats have no candidates on the ballot for the November General Election.

In Culver there was a race on the Republican ticket for the three At-Large town council seats.  Sally Ricciardi received the most votes with 111 and Ginny Bess Munroe received 99 votes.  Judi Price Reynolds had 92 votes.  All three will move on while Robert Cooper only received 64 votes and was defeated.  In the fall they will face Democrats Sue McInturff and Richard “Rich” West.

While the final votes are in, they are not certified yet.  The Marshall County Election Board will meet again in about 10 days to certify the election results.