Senator Randy Head 2018State Senator Randy Head said in a recent news release said, “It is important for schools to foster a positive, safe environment for students so they can focus on their education. Unfortunately, there have been incidents across our country and state where some teachers and coaches have damaged this environment by forging inappropriate relationships with students.”

He continued, “As lawmakers, it is our job to protect our students and ensure they remain safe in the classroom and while participating in extracurricular activities.”

To help prevent schools from hiring coaches who have demonstrated inappropriate behavior in the past, the Indiana General Assembly is considering House Bill 1209, which was sponsored, this session by Head.

HB 1209 would require schools to ask potential coaches about their Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) accreditation status and past accreditation. Under the bill, schools would be required to request references from coaching candidates as well as inquire with their references. HB 1209 would also require schools to conduct a criminal background check on potential coaches and contact the IHSAA about their accreditation.

Senator Head said, “As your state senator, I will continue working to find ways to protect our students, as their safety is of the utmost importance.”

Learn more about HB 1209 here.