County News # 1The Marshall County Prosecutor’s Office will have additional funds available for confidential drug buying funds thanks to the work of the Drug Task Force and the County Council.

On Monday, Marshall County prosecutor Nelson Chipman asked the County Council to approve a grant application that has already been submitted and awarded.

Chipman told the council drug task force team members are always looking for grants to assist the team on battling the drug issues in the county.  They located the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant and presented it to the prosecutor who completed the necessary paperwork and sent in the application.

Not really expecting to be awarded and due to a short deadline the prosecutor didn’t have time to seek the council’s approval to apply.  Chipman said he received a phone call last week and was notified that the application was successful and he will receive $45,000 with no matching funds required.  The funds can be used for equipment, supplies and operations.

The County Prosecutor said during his tenure the drug buying money has increase from $1,200 up to last year’s request for over $15,000.  He anticipated about $25,000 from the grant will be used for confidential drug buys.

The County Council unanimously approved the request for apply for the grant.