County News # 1Marshall County will move forward with the marketing plan unveiled last month by Lou Pierce from Big Idea.

During Monday’s commissioner meeting, Jerry Chavez, CEO of the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation asked to commissioners to move forward with the branding project that will cost in total between $36,640 and $41,940.

The plan includes marketing billboards in Fulton, Starke, Saint Joseph and Kosciusko Counties, a video which can be used when meeting with prospective clients, a power-point presentation, local radio ads, and Facebook.

It was noted that the county has already paid $7,000 to Big Idea for their expertise in creating a new logo and work on the Stellar grant.

Chavez said the county can select items a-la-carte as they are needed.  He said, “We are setting ourselves apart from the other counties with this plan.”

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer noted that funds are available in the 2019 budget for the marketing plan.

The commissioners motioned to move forward with a not-to-exceed amount of $41,940.