Complete StreetsMembers of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved the Complete Streets Policy during Monday’s meeting.

The policy requires the city to provide a transportation network that promotes accessibility, equity, health, economic vitality, and quality of life through safe, convenient, and welcoming streets for all users.  The city’s transportation network shall include streets, sidewalks, shared-use lanes and paths, lighting, street crossings, signage, accommodations for bicyclists, accommodations for transit, landscaping, street furniture and drainage facilities. This plan will also align with the city’s Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinances and will be implemented in a way that is sensitive to local contest, and flexible in design to ensure the needs of all users are accommodated appropriately.

The policy requires the city to integrate Complete Streets decisions into all projects and transportation improvement phases for the benefit of all users.  The city shall follow the best and latest design standards, policies and guidelines available from a variety of national organizations including the National Association of City Transportation Officials, Federal Highway Administration and Americans with Disabilities.

Implementation of the Complete Streets Policy will require the implementation of a Complete Streets Committee which shall be made up of members from the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety, Park and Recreation, Streets and Sanitation and Plan Commission.

Implementation partners for the Complete Streets policy include the Plymouth Public Library, Boys & Girls Club, Discover Plymouth, Ancilla College, Marshall County Community Foundation, Marshall County Health Foundation, Plymouth Community School Corporation, Plymouth Fire Department and Plymouth Police Department.