Plymouth Color Logo2014Monday evening the Plymouth Common Council approved several resolutions for additional appropriations at the request of the Clerk/Treasurer.

Clerk Jeanine Xaver explained the reasoning why the additional were presented.  She said, “This year we added extra funds into the regular budget process which we hadn’t done in the past.  Since we didn’t do the same process for 2018 we have to finish.”

When Xaver meet with the DLGF she was told there were several funds that had not been appropriated, such as the gift funds and they said those needed to be appropriated, so Monday evening she was correcting that error with several resolutions.

The resolution passed says, “It has been determined that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget.”  In the General Fund an additional of $6,100 under personal services was approved.  The clerk said this was because the salary ordinance was approved after the budget was prepared and the council adjusted salaries after the salary review that were not allowed for in the budget. Also in the General Fund  was $5,000 in Other Services and Charges what was new equipment for the new Council Chambers.

Additional in the Motor Vehicle Highway fund for Personal Services was $20,000; Aviation Rotary Fund for the line item Supplies of $50,000 for additional fuel purchases and Transportation Fund line item Other Services was $8,000 which is the annual agreement with Older Adult Services to assist with transportation.

The next additional resolution approved included $140,000 in the City Monetary Gift Fund under Supplies and includes expenditures for the Latino Fest, Mayor’s Month of Music and ect.  The Common Cents Fund was approved for a $5,000 additional under supplies for lighting up grades at the Street Department and Park Department. The Financial Guarantee Fund was approved for $150,000.  This is simply a fund to refund financial guarantees on various projects. The additional in the Community Improvement Fund of $12,000 will provide subsidies for commercial revitalization and East LaPorte Street Foot Bridge Grant for $350,000 will pay the BS Engineering contract.

The third resolution approved with additional appropriations has $30,000 in the Park Gift Fund for Supplies and $60,000 for Other Services and helps to pay for Family Day in the Park, Day Camp, the Senior Games and improvements at Nixon Field.  In the Park/Cemetery Deposit Fund under Other Services and Charges is $25,000 which is used for refunding deposits.   Two smaller approvals were $900 in the Cemetery Trust Fund for a 30 year old agreement with two families who paid for flowers to be placed on family sites and $600 for the DNR Grant in River Park Square.

The fourth resolution presented by the Clerk had all the TIF Tax Money Funds.  In the 2016 TIF $366,570 was appropriated for the River Gate South project, TIF 1993 had $325,000 and $500,000 appropriated for the lease rental for City Hall, Economic Development initiatives, the Hoham Drive project and bond transfer. Also on the resolution was $5,000 for Umbaugh Services in the 2000 TIF along with $12,470 for the downtown brick project which was paid off early and the biggest appropriation of $966,000 in TIF 2005 for the Lawson Fisher hydraulic study, Umbaugh services and principal and interest payments on the bond.

The final additional resolution was for the police department.  The Drug Free Community Fund appropriated $540 for drug tests and finger prints while the Crime Prevention K9 Fund appropriated $20,000 of donations for a new K9.

What all this really boils down to is….The Board of Public Works approved these claims this year from cash on hand but the state wants to see it on the books so this was a paperwork housecleaning issue.