Miller's_kiwanis Trick or Treat Candy 2018Miller’s Assisted Living would like to publicly thank the Plymouth Kiwanis Club for donating candy for Miller’s Annual Community Trick or Treat.  Marketing Director Anna Corbett pointed out that this is the seventh year in a row that the club has helped in this manner and their donation of candy is greatly appreciated.  The Kiwanis organization has been dedicated to helping children since 1915.

The Miller’s Campus enjoys opening their nursing facility and the assisted living facility to the children of the Plymouth area for Trick or Treat.  The residents have fun passing out the candy and interacting with the children and their families. Miller’s coordinates their Trick or Treat during the Chamber of Commerce Community Trick or Treat.   Miller’s provides a clean, fun, safe and warm environment for the community children to go trick or treating.”


Photo caption:  Anna Corbett  – Miller’s Assisted Living Marketing and Kiwanis President shows of the impressive donation of candy that Miller’s received from Plymouth Kiwanis.