Tuesday evening the Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals approved two requests for variances of development standards.

John and Connie Goze of 9769 Deer Trail needed a variance for a side yard setback from the standard of 10 feet to 7 feet for the placement of a 14 x 24 yard shed.

Following the presentation by City Plan Consultant Ralph Booker it was discovered that the applicant had already placed the shed on the property.

Connie Goze told the board they had spoken to Plymouth Building Inspector Keith Hammonds about the shed and he said they would need to acquire a variance but there should be an issue in getting one.

John said the movable shed was delivered earlier than anticipated since they couldn’t get on the September BZA meeting agenda.

The Board of Zoning Appeals approved the variance but wanted to make it clear to the general public that there are guidelines in placing yard barns within the city limits and 2-mile zone.

The second variance request was for the reduction of a front yard setback from 40 feet to 36 feet at 1020 Jim Nelson Drive, the property owned by Larry and Jeanine Xaver Hatcher.

The Hatchers want to add an addition to the home including a laundry room, pantry, master bedroom and bath, a bonus room and an attached garage.  The variance is only for the addition portion that would be 4 feet into the setback including the overhang.