Stellar County logoLast week the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar application was submitted in Indianapolis to the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.

The 209 page application includes detailed information on the projects from the communities in the county and some projects that are countywide.

Argos would like to connect existing trails to the park and school, eventually creating a loop to help promote a healthy lifestyle.  Estimated cost is $800,000.  Argos would like to improve and add sidewalks for walkability at a cost of $200,000 and phase II of Colonial Estates with the addition of 21 acres to residential development at a cost estimate of $2.8 million.

Bourbon has the Cedar Road Housing development planned just east of the high school.  The co-generational housing plan carries a price tag of $19. Bourbon also has plans for a commercial development project on the north side of town at US 30.  Total cost estimates for this project is $2.7 million.

In Bremen they are looking to build a new community pool at a cost of $2.5 million and create a downtown community gathering space for $500,000.

While the Town of Culver is already Stellar they would like to continue with the third phase of the Lake Maxinkuckee Trail with an estimated cost of $1 million.

While Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter initially said the city had so many projects underway he didn’t think they would submit, there were two projects that made the list.  Continued renovation work at the Rees Theatre and restoration of the Old Firehouse for an entrepreneurial hub for $1.5 million.

County initiatives include workforce development, marketing and branding and an owner occupied housing rehab program $850,000.  Health projects on the application include school crosswalk safety measures, planning and signage for bike routes and the addition of bike racks, all with an estimated cost of $37,500.

While the application has been submitted the committee is still hard at work preparing for their presentation in Indianapolis on November 15th.