school-board-meeting1The Plymouth School Board will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 P.M. in the Administration Building. Meetings are open to the public; however, comments from the audience are restricted to agenda items only. They will also meet in executive session prior to the public meeting.

Among other items, the board will consider a resolution reapproving the formation of a building corporation. A meeting of the building corporation is scheduled for 5:00 P.M. The Multischool Building Corporation was previously formed as a non-for-profit corporation. The purpose is to assist in financing, renovating, constructing and improving facilities with the Plymouth Schools. Plans are in place to build a new Lincoln Junior High School building as well as renovate a portion of the existing building.

They will consider a property purchase agreement and Rainy Day expenditure resolution; resolution approving preliminary plans, form of lease and authorizing publication of Notice of Lease Hearing; and resolution for the project.

Several new and revised policies will be heard on first reading.

Three requests for student trips will be considered during the consent agenda. PHS Art Club is requesting approval an out of state trip to the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. The PHS FFA is requesting permission for an overnight trip to the National FFA convention in Indianapolis. The LJH 8th grade class is requesting approval for and overnight and out of state annual class trip to Washington, DC.