David's CourageMarshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the County Commissioners this week that the founders of David’s Courage are ready to take delivery of the Shady Rest real estate.

David’s Courage will be creating a residential drug and alcohol addiction facility for men and women.  Their program will assist those who have suffered from addiction but are clean at the time they enter the program. The program is anticipated to offer 6 months of treatment that gives participants the tools to pursue a second chance.  David’s Courage will also provide after care for six months.

Co-founders Ted Hayden and Gregg Erickson said those in the program will get help finding a job and learn how to maintain their own housing.  They will receive training on budgeting and nutrition and be required to attend counseling.

The County Commissioner approve the transfer of the Shady Rest property from Marshall County to David’s Courage by way of a warranty deed.


From the David’s Courage Facebook page:  As you can see, our logo reflects our mission and highlights the story of our organization’s name, the story of David and Goliath. The face of David isn’t shown so we can all see ourselves. The slingshot cross reminds us of the primary tool we need to knock down the giant(s) in our lives. The broken chains around the wrist tell us we can break free.

Through hard work, the right environment, faith, and courage, individuals can break the chains of drug and alcohol addiction.