Lion_Tiffiney Dewitt & Liliana MedranoThe Plymouth Lions Club held their annual picnic for all members and their families at Christos Banquet Center.  This year the Lions Club was honored to award two scholarships to qualified high school students and both were present with their families at the annual picnic.  This year’s winners were Tiffiney Dewitt and Liliana Medrano.  The Lions Club also contributes to the Kizer Award for the outstanding male and female athlete.

Lions_Andy HartleySuperintendent of the Plymouth Community School Corporation, Andy Hartley talked about the renovation and new construction of Lincoln Junior High.  A groundbreaking ceremony was held in late May as many gathered with shovels to turn the dirt on the former junior high football and track field.  The new LJHS is expected to open in 2020.  The new facility will house approximately the same number of students which is 550 at the present time.  There will be flex spaces for additional students if needed in the future.  After move-in it will take an additional 9 to 10 months for the demolition of other buildings and parking changes. The oldest part of the current LJHS, the front section will be preserved.

Lions club officers 2018Past District Governor David Court installed a slate of new officers.  Installed as President was Doug Feece, Vice President, Stephen Eggleston, Secretary, Deborah VanDeMark, Treasurer, Donald Morrison, Membership Chair, Ken Lukenbill, Tail Twister, Penny Lukenbill, Lion Tamer, Manuel Guerrero, and Bob Kizer was installed as a board member to serve for the next two years.

The new Lion year has begun and there will be new items, new programs but many of the same issues remain…membership,  engagement, and member retention.  Good things happen when we work together, the Lions Club works to improve the lives of people in our community and around the world.  If you or anyone you know would like to join the Plymouth Lions Club please contact and Lions Club member and help us continue to change lives, give hope, and build a better tomorrow for those who need our service.