Oliver Ford Rees TheatreThe Oliver Ford Family made a sizeable donation to the Rees Theatre Project on Tuesday afternoon.

Members of the Jack Oliver family and employees of Oliver Ford Lincoln gathered out front of the theatre, under the massive, neon marquee for the presentation.

Jack Oliver said he feels a vibrant downtown is important to Plymouth’s future.   He said the proposed Rees Theatre project will be a true destination when it’s complete.  Mr. Oliver also commented that raising large amounts of money is not always an easy thing to do and he praised the hard work and dedication of Randy and Eleanor Danielson on this project.

Three generations of the Oliver Family have memories of the REES.  John Jr. reminisced of his first experience being dropped off for a movie.  It was Star Wars in 1977.  A whole group of neighborhood kids piled into a station wagon and got dropped off an hour early.  They had to stand in line clear back at the Good & Plenty and by the time they made it to the near the ticket window the first show was sold out.  They sent one of the kids over to Harold’s Pizza across the street with a dime to use the pay phone to call home and let the parents know they were going to stay in line so they could go to the second show.  John said when the doors opened and the theatre crowd was letting out everyone was cheering about the show.   He said being 10th in line for the second show allowed them to sit in the second row from the front to watch the movie.

Randy Danielson said, “With this leadership gift the fourth and future generations of Olivers will get to have great memories of the Rees.”

Following the photo op, Oliver Ford employees were given a tour of the theatre.