County News # 1The Marshall County Council learned at their regular meeting on June 11 that an offer has been made to Ty Adley to become the next Plan Director. The current director, Ralph Booker, will retire on or near the end of the month.

Stan Klotz, president of the Plan Commission, asked for a portion of monies that were budgeted for the Planning Department secretary’s vacation, be used to pay an interim director so he could shadow Booker. The request was for $2,066.

The Plan Commission will meet on June 28 when Klotz indicated the decision of the new director is expected to be announced. According to Klotz, Ty Adley was originally from the Rochester area and has a desire to return from South Carolina.

The final vote in approval of the request for funds was 6-0-1 with Council member Penny Lukenbill abstaining due to her husband being the attorney for the Plan Commission.


Carol Anders correspondent