City NEwsMonday evening members of the Plymouth Common Council approved on second and third reading the ordinances to create a fund entitled “Aquatics Center Project Fund.”   This fund will assist City Clerk Treasurer Jeannie Xaver in the job of tracking funds for the pool construction project.

The council also approved an ordinance creating a Debt Service Reserve Fund for the pool project and early learning childhood center.  This fund would only be used to pay the bond payments on the project if one of the leases; City of Plymouth, Plymouth Community School Corporation and Ancilla College didn’t make their lease payments.

City Councilman Gary Cook is not in favor of the project and voted no on all four readings while Councilman Jeff Houin abstained from voting on all four readings because he is the attorney for the Plymouth School Board.  The council members voting for the ordinances were Duane Culp, Don Ecker Jr., Shiloh Milner, Bill Walters and Randy Longanecker.