Recycle Depot_Logo11-10-17Executive Director of Marshall County Solid Waste District Management, Marianne Peters told her board of directors this month she’s created a list of projects she would like to see completed in the next two years.

This summer Peters would like to install a fire suppression system in the Recycle Depot.  With building code updates and OSHA Safety requirements she said it needs to be done sooner rather than later.  Peters suggested using her Rainy Day Fund to pay for the project.

Also to complete this summer would be asphalt sealing of the drive and parking areas with directional arrows to show customers where they need to go.  Peters suggested paying for this out of the 2018 Capital Funds.

The loading dock at the Recycle Depot is in need of major repairs and improvements, some of which are OSHA regulated.  This could be a major project depending on how expensive they want to make the project.  Peters suggested working on this project in the fall of 2018 and again using Rainy Day funds to pay for the expenditure.

In the first quarter of 2019 the Solid Waste director would like to purchase a couple outside storage buildings for flammables that are acid based.  She told the board of directors having them stored in the building with other recyclable material is not safe.  This project could be done using 2019 Capital funds.

During the second quarter of 2019 Peters would like to purchase a new Recycle Depot Sign with message board which could improve customer service and communications.  The project could be paid for using 2019 Capital funds.

The final item on her wish list is a new truck for the Depot.  At this time she is unsure if she wants to purchase another box truck of something smaller.  The current box truck is near the end of its useful life she noted.  Peters recommended using Rainy Day funds to purchase a new vehicle in 2019 or 2020.

The board of directors took the information presented under advisement and asked Peters to investigate more into the loading dock project.