NewsThe agenda for the Plymouth Common Council meeting on Monday listed the Fee Schedule Subcommittee Update.  This pertained to the Clerk/Treasurer’s question at the January 8th meeting as to progress.  She reminded members that there was a short fall of $452,000 when the revenues came in for the 2017 budget and then the council approved raises mid-year for Police and Fire.  She asked how the council intended to fund the pay raises and their plan was to look at increasing fees in the city.

Jeff Houin spoke for the committee on the 8th and said they were not at a point to bring anything to the full board.

Anticipating a true update on Monday’s meeting, Plymouth Mayor Mark Senter said, “I’m going to meet with the committee soon and we are going to come up with something to do.  I think probably one on ones with the departments is the best thing to do.  I will let you know as soon as possible.”