hygineDriveGirl Scout Troop 30404 is hosting a hygiene item drive for the Heminger House. They are collecting toiletry items to show how much the community cares and how much they appreciate the Heminger House for helping the women and children that are abused daily.

On Sunday, November 5th, please come to Centennial Park at the Freyman Shelter from 2pm-4pm to donate hygiene products for the Heminger House to show support to the ones in

If you can’t attend on the 5th there is a drop off box at the Plymouth Public Library where you can donate your hygiene items there from now until November 12th.

The hygiene items they are in need of most are: feminine products, new hair brushes, women’s deodorant, body lotion, hair conditioner, makeup, razors and shaving cream, Q-tips, hair products, and toilet paper.

Please come and donate to help the organization stay on their feet! Show your support by donating and telling your friends!!!!