Plymouth Color Logo2014As a way to bring this year’s budget more into line with what the actual expenditures are, Monday evening the Plymouth Clerk Treasurer asked City Council members to pass a couple of resolutions decreasing appropriations for this year.

Jeanine Xaver said reducing the current year’s appropriation will make a better budget for next year by increasing the cash for next year.  The recommended reductions is part of the 15% budgeted money that department heads are not to spend and reductions in health insurance and fuel costs.  The clerk said that when the budget was prepared in 2016 for 2017 they didn’t know what the actual increase for health insurance would be so the insurance line item was put into the budget inflated.  Xaver also said fuel costs have remained lower than anticipated and several budget have an excess that can be decreased.

Three resolutions to deduct appropriations from the Aviation Rotary Fund, the General Fund budgets and department funds outside the general fund were approved that totaled approximately $606,000.