Vactor sewer cleaner 2110The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety unanimously approved the request of Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson to purchase a new combination sewer cleaner for the Wastewater Department Monday evening.

Davidson told the board he would like to purchase the equipment through the NJPW, National Joint Powers Alliance which leverages the national purchasing power of more than 50,000 member agencies while also streamlining the required purchasing process. As a municipal national contracting agency, NJPA establishes and provides nationally leveraged and competitively solicited purchasing contracts under the guidance of the Uniform Municipal Contracting Law. Joint Powers laws enable members to legally purchase through our awarded contracts.

Davidson has $400,000 in this year’s budget for the sewer cleaner. The base price was $399,173.  The city will receive a discount of $9,185 through the NJPA and trade in a 1990 Vactor valued at $18,000 bring the final purchase price to $371,988.

The Utility Superintendent told the board that the city already owns three Vactor machine and that he trusts their performance and durability.