bourbon-fire-stationThe Bourbon Town Board is entering into an agreement with MACOG (Michigan Area Council of Governments) to complete a comprehensive plan.   James Turnwald, executive director of MACOG appeared before the board Tuesday and said the only expense would be $800 for surveying the public on what citizens would like to see included in the plan. He said they would use mailings and door hangers to take an overall survey. He said the rest of the funding would be a part of the membership fees paid by each of four counties.

The process, which is expected to take eight months, will likely begin in November as a steering committee of 15-20 members is formed. According to Turnwald, the steering committee will be members of the town government along with a cross section of the public. The committee would meet six times during the process. Turnwald said they begin reaching out to the public about halfway through the project. MACOG is currently working with the Town of Argos to complete their comprehensive plan.

Carol Anders Correspondent