2016 IN State Fair Queen Tate Fritchley


Miss Indiana State Fair 2016, Tate Fritchley will be a guest at the Marshall County 4-H Fair on July 20th.


Fritchley is the 58th Miss Indiana State Fair and was crowned in January. She is a native of Vanderburgh County. A 10 year 4-H member of the Horse and Pony Club Fritchley recent graduate of Evansville North High School with plans to attend Butler University this fall.


Fritchley will head across Indiana to visit over 45 county fairs, festivals and queen pageants this summer helping to share in fairgoers excitement about the 2016 Indiana State Fair which will Celebrate Indiana’s Bicentennial, August 5-21.


Miss Indiana State Fair 2016, Tate Fritchley of Evansville will be at the Marshall County Fair on Wednesday, July 20th at 5:30.