Plymouth_Logo_2014Monday evening the Plymouth Common Council approved the 2016 budget which has a bottom-line of $12, 549,509.  Net year’s budget has a 2.79 percent increase over this year’s and includes an across the board pay-raise of 2 percent.

In other business The City Council approved a resolution to appropriate the $700,000 transfer earlier this summer for the Tennis Court project.

The $700,000 represented the city’s donation to the overall projects.  The school and private donations and grants will make up the rest of the funding.   Appropriating the funds will allow the city to pay some invoices that have been received for the project already including $12,000 for engineering, a feasibility study, soil borings and engineering work.  The city can also pay the $40,000 bill for the final construction drawings and the expense of bidding the project.

It’s anticipated that the project will be bid in early January with construction to begin in the spring of 2016.

A request to transfer $600 from contractual services to improvements in the park budget was approved.  Superintendent Mike Hite said the transfer allowed them to pave the entire “Baseball Lane” in Centennial Park.

The council unanimously approved a resolution to transfer $107,249.80 in the Greenway Trail fund from construction to engineering.  This is for construction documents for phase two of the Greenway Trail project moves forward.