Ancilla_dorn1Rain did not turn away a group of nearly 200 gathered on County Road 9B for the new residence hall open house at Ancilla College Tuesday.

Ancilla_Dorm_2Dignitaries mingled with students, faculty, staff and members of Ancilla’s board of trustees and offered support for the private, two-year college.

Sr. Judith Diltz, of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, was one of the first to offer words at the event. “Today we celebrate new doors opening. Doors for 100-plus students whose minds will expand with new information, whose hearts will grow in the relationships created on our intergenerational campus, whose values will be informed in our Christian climate, and whose lives will change.”

Ancilla_Dorm_walorskiAlso on hand was U.S. Representative Jackie Walorski (R) from Indiana’s 2nd district. “Just walking through here and seeing this place, I am so excited for the students who are going to get to live here, and for the students from other countries who are going to be able to experience life in the United States of America on Ancilla College’s campus.”

Plymouth’s Mayor Mark Senter and a representative of Sen. Joe Donnelly’s office also gave congratulations on the new structure’s completion.

Ancilla_Dorm_BishopThe blessing was performed by the Most Reverend Bishop Kevin Rhoades, who was appointed the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend in 2009, by Pope Benedict. After speaking, Bishop Rhoades walked through the building blessing rooms while guests were encouraged to peruse the floors of the recently occupied structure.

The hall, now booked to capacity, will become home to more than 100 new freshmen, many of whom come from farther than the school’s traditional commuter range.

The three-story hall was designed and constructed by Michael Kinder and Sons, Inc., of Fort Wayne. Ancilla College president, Ken Zirkle said, “This hall is changing the face of Ancilla College and, therefore, changes the Marshall County community. Great things are happening at Ancilla College and we hope to bring the entire area along with us.”